Friday, March 29, 2013

Since I've Been Gone....

Let's talk about how I haven't blogged all I need to say anymore? I don't know about you, but the month of March has flown by so quickly for me. I feel like Valentine's Day was just last week, but now it's Easter. WHAT?! Between work, family, sickness, house hunting, and going out of town, I haven't had a lot of spare time.

I barely even took any photos of the clothing that I've been wearing, and I've come up with some cute outfits recently too! Now that I've gone through my "blogger hiatus", I will be back! (Although there have been a few nights where I stay in my scrubs until I put on my Pj's and go to bed. It happens).

Here is an outfit that I wore to work recently. One of my family members were getting rid of some old clothes in their closet, and they gave me the bag of clothes for the next clothing swap that I plan on attending. As I was sorting through the clothes, I noticed these brown cords. Since I don't own any brown pants, much less any cords, I decided to let this pair hang out in my dresser for a while, instead of sitting in a clothing swap bag.

I still can't believe that I almost got rid of this teal sweater. I had not worn it in at least a year because I didn't like the gaps that would appear between the buttons. (It had been doing this since the day that I bought it, even when I was a couple pounds smaller.) Then after pouring through countless fashion blogs and learning how to re-work a wardrobe, I learned that I could unbutton this sweater and make it work with all sorts of tank tops under it. Now it is a staple in my closet!

Teal sweater: Express
Cream lace tank: Express
Cords: I'm not sure, they came from a family member
Necklace and Earrings: Francesca's Collections
Boots: These are actually my tall brown riding boots from Khol's


  1. Cute sweater - good thing you didn't get rid of it! I do this all the time with cardigans that don't fit quite as well, I just leave them open.
    Looks great on you.


  2. Thanks! I'm not sure why I never thought of not buttoning up a cardigan until now. lol.
