Monday, August 27, 2012

Shoe Review/ Confession

Do you ever feel like all you do is run errands? It was nice to have the man around to help out with the errands, because let's face it, grocery shopping with someone else is much better than doing it by yourself! We were having dinner with his family that evening as well, so I couldn't wear my sweats out, but I wasn't going to do my errands in a dress. (Especially since it was raining off and on all day).

(PS, I wouldn't wear my sweats out normally. It may have been acceptable in college, but not anymore).

(This is suppose to be showing you the earrings. Not my jacked up phone case. haha)

Shirt: Old Navy (old, but I feel like they always have something like it is stock)
Shorts: JcPenny (old)
Flats: Payless (old)...these sure have been worn a lot lately
Earrings: Francesca's Collections (Spring 2012) (the two silver hoops are from the original piercings so I don't count those for my earrings)
Necklace: I honestly cannot remember where this came from. It's a little old (surprise surprise) but I feel like it might have come with a shirt? 
Rings: gifted- old

My new shoes!

These are my new work-out shoes from DSW (New Balance).

CONFESSION:  I actually hate shopping for tennis shoes because it is usually such a hassle. One of the main reasons that I don't wear heels is because of the way that I naturally stand. My feet rotate inwards so I really stand on the arches of my feet, and therefore I am suppose to wear shoe inserts along with supporting shoes. (These are custom made inserts, not the ones by Dr. Scholls).  I obviously don't wear them with my sandals or flats, but I try to put them in my boots and similar shoes. Because of this, I have to wear tennis shoes that have sides that come up a bit higher than normal, so that my foot can fit into the shoe without the shoe pinching me. I thought that I had found a pair from Under Armor that was going to work, but the pinching occurred when I did anything other than walk. I really liked how the Under Armor shoes were so light weight, but they didn't have very good traction, and I felt like I was slipping and sliding everywhere. The sales guy at the stores tried to tell me that I didn't need my inserts because these shoes had such great support. **I have to wear my inserts when I work out or I will get horrible shin splints as well as sore knees/hips/ankles for a week if I don't.** Good try though sales guy.

Anywho, these New Balance shoes don't pinch my feet, and they have enough room for my inserts and my foot. I have a pretty normal foot, with a medium width, and they fit me really well. They also have a good grip, so I wasn't sliding all over the floor when I was working out yesterday. (yay!)

P.S.- I'm loving the Tippi Sweater from J. Crew. However I'm not sure that I can spend $55 on a sweater right now. (I'm on the cheap side and currently don't have a very large clothing budget to work with). Maybe this one that I tried one from Target wouldn't be so bad after all, since I plan on putting a button up under it anyway. 

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