Saturday, August 18, 2012


I'm about to meet some friends in D.C. for brunch, and who knows what time I'll actually get home tonight. (Yes, it will be one of those all-day-into-the-evening-"brunches"). And who knows how long the warm (not scorching) days will last until fall is upon us? Using that reasoning, I decided that a dress was in order for the day(/night).

Dress: Forever 21 (Plato's Closet- OLD)
Belt: Francesca's Collection (Summer 2012)
Earrings: Francesca's Collection (Summer 2012)
Shoes: Target (Plato's Closet-OLD)
Bracelets: they are an assortment for various places, i.e. American Eagle and local shops in Staunton, VA--all old

**I just want to say that it will be a rare thing for me to wear heels.  I love the way that heels look, and how they can transform an outfit into a completed look, but I just don't wear them. I'm always searching for a comfortable pair, but the way that I naturally stand makes heels extremely uncomfortable for me. I fully support the women who wear them, especially if they find them comfortable. Heck, I even own a few pairs because they were just so pretty or necessary for a particular outfit, but rarely will you see them. (And yes, I have been know to wear heels for pictures, and then change directly into flats once the picture taking of the evening is over.) **

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