Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Coming Together Naturally

This outfit is brought to you by my turned around hangers. When I first started this blog, I turned all of my hangers around in my closet, and was determined to wear everything. When the end of the year rolled around, if I had not found a way to wear something, or hadn't worn it because it no longer fit, then it would be time to give it up. This is also a great way to tell which pieces of clothing you wear all of the time, and which pieces need some more love. This shirt had not yet been worn since the turning of the hangers, so I figured, why not wear it today? This is also the first time that I've ever worn these pants. They are from the clearance rack at Target, and actually need to be hemmed, but I just didn't care. They are a nice dress slack material, but resemble a dark denim wash. I liked this outfit alright, but decided to throw on a belt for a little extra pizzazz. Then when it came time to add a shoe, I went right for these booties that are the same color as the belt. 

I love it when an outfit comes together in a way that I've never thought of before. I could have added more accessories, but I just wasn't feeling it. I didn't feel like messing with a necklace for the cow-neck neckline.  I did wear earrings, but I didn't take a close up picture. 

Shirt: Express (old)
Belt: Francesca's Collections (spring 2012)
Slacks: Target (Clearance rack over the summer)
Boots: Charlotte Russe (old) (These are actually ankle booties, but you can't tell in the picture) 

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